I have some exiting news! I will be embarking on an Air France plane heading to Paris this Wednesday September 23rd! However, don’t ask me what part of France I’ll be visiting because I still don’t know and will only find out at the airport right before departure! I love surprises and this one is a pretty great one. Let me explain.
This press trip is to discover France’s 2015 Fête de la Gastronomie. Four Canadian bloggers are invited to visit 4 urban destinations for 4 days of festivities and competition. The urban destinations are: Bordeaux Périgueux, Nantes, Bayonne Pau and Mulhouse Alsace. Which destination do you think I’ll be heading to?
Below is a teaser of this whole extravagant adventure which I can’t wait to embark on!
Follow my gastronomic adventures in real time by keeping track of the #FestiveFrance hashtag on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. There will be some interactive participation so keep track for the chance to win a trip for 2 to France! Bonne chance!
I am invited on this surprise trip to France courtesy of the France Tourism Office