… scratch that because I’m actually leaving on a train, Via Rail’s “Canadian” train to be more precise! I’m very excited to announce that I’ve been invited along with a handful of other bloggers to travel across the country (from Toronto to Vancouver) aboard this newly renovated train. We have been invited to experience the trip and taste the newly created menu by 8 of Via Rail’s chefs during a two-day workshop under the direction of Martin Gemme this past December.
I’ve never actually traveled by train in North America and am looking forward to enjoying the cozy accommodations, tasting the new menu and admiring the great landscapes that Canada has to offer. It takes 4 days to get from Toronto to Vancouver with stops in Winnipeg, Edmonton and Jasper. I am a bit apprehensive about spending 4 days disconnected from the world and my addiction to the internet is of great concern but I’m also looking forward to catching up on some reading, writing and sleep.
We are leaving from Toronto on July 7th so stay tuned to this blog, my Twitter account, my Instagram (@mayssamaha) and my Facebook page to read all about this great adventure I’m embarking on!