Have you heard of Dans la rue? If you’re a Montrealer, chances are you’ve heard of this great organization that takes care of homeless teens. You’ve probably even seen the now-famous Dans la rue truck parked around town late at night distributing food and lending a sympathetic hand to those same homeless teens. Father Emmett Johns (Father Pops) founded Dans la rue in 1988 to help provide food, shelter and support to street kids and at-risk youth.
What does that have to do with a food blog you ask? I’m getting to that right now. Every year for the past 8 years, Dans la rue has been organizing “An evening of haute street cuisine“, where 10 of Montreal’s most renowned chefs compete to create their version of a favourite street food. This year, they will be competing for the best burger. It is a great event combining food and charity and I for one, support it completely! I mean when will you ever get the chance to taste (and judge!) 10 great burgers by some of Montreal’s best chefs all in the same location and at at the same time while helping a great cause? If you love food – and I know you do if you’re reading this blog – then this is where you need to be next Wednesday night September 21st starting at 6pm. Oh, and did I mention you also get the chance to win a trip for 2 to Paris courtesy of Air Canada? For more details, check out the Dans la rue website.
This is the list of year’s competing restaurants:
- Barroco
- Le Boucan
- Bice
- Chez l’Épicier
- Café Ferreira
- Le Grain de Sel
- Le Jolifou
- Kitchenette
- Pintxo
- Le St-Urbain
This year, each of the 10 competing chefs has been paired up with a Montreal-based food blogger for this special event. I picked Nick Hodge, chef/owner of Kitchenette and Icehouse restaurants to be “my” chef. Hey, if you’re competing for the best hamburger in town, you pick the Texan in the crowd! I have tasted some of Nick’s cuisine at both his restaurants and am a great fan. I had a little chat with my chef yesterday about this great event and here’s what he had to say…
Is this your first year participating in this event?
Yes. They asked me last year but I unfortunately couldn’t do it because it fell on my wife’s birthday and I had to choose between Dans la rue and staying married
Are you looking forward to it?
I am actually very excited! It is a great cause and if I can help bring awareness to it then I’m all for it! Montreal is a small city and it’s easy enough to see some results and see them quickly from such a great organization.
Do you know what you’re making?
I do! I will be making a Chili cheeseburger po’boy, enough said!
Did you go through a lot of testing before deciding?
A few tests but a version of this burger has been on the Kitchenette menu before and people have raved about it so I know it’s great!
Are you worried about the competition?
I am always worried! But seriously, (looking at the list of competing chefs) I don’t want to talk smack or name any names or anything, and I may eat my own words, but what do the Spanish/Portuguese/French or Italians know about making a good burger anyway?
I don’t want to talk smack either, and apologies to the other great chefs participating, but I am betting “my” chef will win! Nick and I are both big supporters of this great cause and are looking forward to being part of it. We are also looking forward to seeing you all on the battlefield next week! Bring it on!
Date: September 21st from 6pm
Location: Montreal Science Centre – The Belvedere // 2, de la Commune West, on the Quays of the Old Port // Parking available ($)
Contact : 514 526 5222 // www.danslarue.com
Ticket: $125 (receipt $100) 10 Tickets : $1000 (receipt $750)