Do you know the store Fait Ici (Made Here)? It is located on Notre Dame street just east of Atwater and carries a selection of local and organic products, from prepared food to body care, inspired by the old general stores. The owner, Lindsay Davis. and her boyfriend Jackson Wightman are on a mission to provide their customers with “organic foods and sustainably produced goods, most of which is made right here in Quebec.”
A few months ago, Jackson and Lindsay launched the Ici et Here blog. The idea is for this blog to run over a period of 52 weeks, with weekly contributions from authors from all walks of life about “food, life and Montreal.” The result so far is an amazing collection of food essays from Montreal chefs, food writers, bloggers and food lovers.
I am very proud to be contributing to this amazing project! My article on the Ici et Here blog was published yesterday and you can read it here. I was also interviewed for the first time by Jackson, who is a great interviewer. My voice is a bit shaky 🙂 but you can listen to the interview here.
If you have any stories about Montreal and food, don’t hesitate to share them in the comments below, I’d love to hear from you!
Fait Ici
2519 Notre Dame West
514 439 3888